“Rugal” is an action hero series revolving around a special organization of people whose body parts have been reformed and strengthened through biotechnology. Named Rugal, the organization fights against the country’s biggest and most notorious terrorist group Argos.
“‘Rugal’ is a Korean name meaning ‘dry tears.’ It refers to the two artificial eyes of the main character Kang Ki-beom, who gradually loses his human quality and turns into a monster with the special eyes,”
Actors Choi Jin-hyuk, Park Sung-woong and Jo Dong-hyuk.
“Tunnel” three years ago, plays the lead character Ki-beom, a special police agent who loses his eyes and his fiance during a mission against Argos. Ki-beom embarks on a new life with artificial eyes to take revenge on the terrorist group.
The veteran action star Park plays Hwang Deuk-goo, the evil leader of Argos.
Jo, who starred in “Bad Guys,” takes the role of Han Tae-woong, an ex-Argos member and now the leader of Rugal outfitted with an artificial limb.
The drama focuses on realizing the original comic’s sci-fi elements on the television screen, while maintaining the story’s plot.
- RUGAL: Episode 1
- RUGAL: Episode 2
- RUGAL: Episode 3A
- RUGAL: Episode 3B
- RUGAL: Episode 4
- RUGAL: Episode 5
- RUGAL: Episode 6