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Matokeo ya Form Four 4 2021/2022 NECTA Kidato cha Nne

Matokeo ya Form Four 4 2021/2022 NECTA Kidato cha Nne, CSEE Results 2021/2022, Matokeo Kidato cha Nne 2021, matokeo Form Four 2021, Matokeo ya Mtihani wa Taifa Kidato cha nne 2021, NECTA Form IV Results 2021/2022.


Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE) 2021/2022


This is an achievement test offered to candidates who have completed four years of secondary education.


The Examination Calendar

CSEE is administered at the first week of November every year.


The objectives of CSEE


The objectives of this examination are to assess students’ skills and knowledge achieved in different subjects at secondary school. Also to weigh the extent to which the student can use the skills gained to meet the social, political, economic and technological challenges for the individual and the national development at large; to identify students with the capacity to continue learning to the advanced secondary school level and other learning institutions. The holder of the CSEE qualification is expected to be able to apply skills of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation in a broad range of activities.


Eligibility of Candidates who Seats for the Examination

Any students who have completed four years of secondary education at both government and non-government registered schools and passed form two secondary education examination or Qualifying Test. Also, repeaters of the same examination who registered themselves as private candidates.


Examined Subjects/Courses


The core and compulsory subjects that a candidate is registered to sit for CSEE are: Civics, History, Geography, Kiswahili, English Language, Biology and Basic Mathematics. Candidate may also sit for additional two subjects chosen from natural science subjects which are Physics and Chemistry or Business subjects which are Commerce and Book Keeping; Home economic subjects which are Food and Nutrition and Textile and Dress Making or Technical subjects which are Building Construction, Architectural Draughting, Surveying, Carpentry and Joinery, Brickwork and Masonry, Painting and Sign Writing, Plumbing, Electrical Installation, Electrical Engineering Science, Radio and Television Servicing, Electrical Draughting, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Plant and Equipment Maintenance, Workshop Technology, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Welding and Metal Fabrication, Fitting and Turning, Auto Electric, Mechanical Draughting and Foundry and Blacksmith and one optional subject among the following: Bible Knowledge, Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu, Fine Art, Music, Physical Education,French Language, Literature in English, Arabic Language, Agricultural Science, Information and Computer Studies and Additional Mathematics. No candidate for the CSEE shall register for more than ten subjects at one sitting.


Matokeo ya Form Four 4 2021/2022 NECTA Kidato cha Nne


Examination Formats

Each subject has an examination format which describes the structure of the examination paper, rubric and the content in which that particular examination covers. The details of subjects examined are shown in individual examinations formats that can be accessed in the examination formats


The Examination Formats contained in this document are for examined subjects being studied at the Certificate of Secondary Education level. They were prepared in response to the revisions of Certificate of Secondary Education syllabuses of 2005 and were used for the first time in October 2008 Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).


The Examination Formats are presented in numbered pa ragraphs. Altogether, there are five paragraphs which include Introduction, General Objectives, General Competences, Examination Rubric and Examination Content. All the formats end with Tabl e of Specifications. The paragraphs provide specific information or spell out procedures for preparing question papers.


Each paragraph of these formats is significant in its own merit. However, the paragraph on Introduction highlights areas of obvious departure from the former formats. This paragraph outlines the brief
backgrounds of the formats with some mention of objectives of revising them. 
The accessibility of these formats will help examination setters and mode rators, as well as teachers and learners to cope with the syllabus requirements for successful course outline completion and acquisition of knowledge and skills. It is necessary to underscore the appropriate use of these formats, i.e. they should not be used in place of the subject syllabuses. One copy of this Examination Format Book is issu ed free of charge to heads of schools/examinations centres registered with the National Examinations Council of Tanzania. Additional copies may be bought from the Council’s offices.

Where can you find out Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha Nne 2021/2022 | NECTA form Four Results 2021/2022


NECTA CSEE Results of 2021 can be found  here on because we have prepare this article to give you all Form four Results done in every year as shown below or also they will be available in official website of National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA)

CSEE Results 2021/2022 | Matokeo Kidato Cha Nne 2021/2022 NECTA

The National Examinations Council of Tanzania as released Matokeo Kidato Cha Nne 2021 NECTA

How to check Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha Nne 2021 NECTA | Form Four Results 2021/2022 online?

Now students of Tanzania can check their Certificate of Secondary Education Examination Results (CSEE) 2021/2022 online through the following 6 steps

  1. Visit NECTA official website
  2. Click on “Results” from the Main menu bar.
  3. Then choose “Results” window will show all Results format available.
  4. Then Select “Your Exam Type” that is ACSEE.
  5. Select “Year” that you want to see Results For examples 2021
  6. Results will open then choose your School using either name or index number to see results of particular school and students.

Matokeo Kidato cha Pili Form Two Results 2021/2022

Note- Students can also click on the links provided above to check their Matokeo Kidato Cha Nne 2021 NECTA | Form Four Results 2021/2022

Check form Four result 2021-2022 – Matokeo ya kidato cha Nne 2021 by SMS

NOTE: This method now working only For Form Six Results.


Students will also be able to check their form four result 2021 using SMS , by  just dialing a special USSD code to request the results, the details on how to get your  ACSEE results VIA SMS are given below;

  • Dialing * 152 * 00 #
  • Select number 8. ELIMU
  • Select the number 2. NECTA
  • Select the service type 1. MATOKEO
  • Select Test Type. ACSEE
  • Enter Examination Number and Year Example: S0334-0556-2019
  • Select Payment Type (Cost per SMS is Tshs 100 / =)
  • Upon completion of payment




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