Categories: Ajira Mpya Tanzania

New Job Opportunities at World Vision – Health and Nutrition Team Leader


To provide technical leadership and coordination of all Health and Nutrition interventions for WV Tanzania to ensure the realization of Our Promise. The incumbent staff will lead the development of all H&N technical approaches for the NO. S/he will actively pursue resource mobilization strategies for the sector, lead on proposal development, writing and process management. S/he will lead external representation to donors and government and maintain an externally orientated situational awareness of public health priorities to ensure that WVT is prepared for appropriate sectoral responses. S/he will support the roll out of H&N in new grants and APs and manage the H&N Technical Program in all clusters. S/he will conduct capacity building and technical backstopping and monitoring of health and nutrition interventions.

Will uphol and the core values of World Vision.



















% of time Activity End Results


Technical Leadership for program quality and program management


Program Implementation

  • Contribute to overall WVT strategy; ensure health priorities are adequately and accurately reflected in national strategy
  • Develop H&N technical approaches, ensuring alignment with WVT strategy and regional and global health priorities and cross-sectoral considerations
  • Develop systems and processes to support WVT health programs have consistent approaches
  • Ensure ongoing improvements to health TA/TP design to ensure it remains relevant to context, incorporates innovation, by receiving and analysing field-level information
  • Develop and/or contextualize models, methodologies and tools for health programming implementation


Quality Assurance

  • Review H&N reports, H&N TA, TPs and AP plans for quality.
  • Regular monitoring, supervision and evaluation of health programs to ensure quality implementation. Includes technical backstopping, reflection, lessons learned events, etc., to ensure programming on track
  • Ensure AP designs are aligned to TP,
  • Ensure implementation meets minimum standards
  • Participate with DME team in designing, redesigning and elaborating logframes for H&N programming.
  • Ensure standardization of H&N indicators and project models across projects


WVT health technical approach aligned with regional and global HN strategies, and represent the best possible address of Tanzania contexts.


Quality assurance of H&N programming in NO ensures that models and projects are implemented with fidelity


Field staff involved in H&N programming are supported to understand H&N technical approaches and minimum standards, and provided with practical guidance to achieve high standards of programming

30% Resource Mobilization and Proposal Development
  • Preposition WVT for grants in H&N technical sector, working with national GAM team
  • Mapping of donors in H&N; understand donor expectations, technical priorities and key strategic approaches
  • Track multilateral, bilateral and local funding programs to access resources
  • Prepare concept papers and proposals for grant acquisition
  • Prepare detailed health or sub-sector capacity statements for WVT
  • Ensure that all aspects of the project development, funding appliactions and proposals are accurate and professionally prepared


There are increased relevant grant opportunities identified for WVT and are in the grant pipeline

Proposals submitted are technically sound

20% Support to H&N Staff and partners


Capacity Development

  • Assessment of NO H&N staff capacities/ competencies
  • Prepare Manuals and guidelines for staff and community training in Health, and Nutrition programs
  • Facilitate capacity building of staff on health technical modules, public health topics, through trainings, workshops and technical backstopping
  • Conduct trainings at ToF/TOT level in select HHN project models
  • Assist in capacity building of local government, CBOs,CPGs, Church/FBOs, CCCs and other community groups


Team Performance Management

  • Provide leadership, support and technical guidance to field staff in implementation of health programming
  • Technically supervise H&N Grant Managers and AP Health technical staff
  • Conduct field visits to provide on site support
  • Participate in recruitment and hiring of H&N technical staff, together with P&C
  • Supervise H&N technical team staff


NO Capacity in the Health sector is improved in an incremental and progressive manner to meet internal standards and external expectations


H&N staff are managed effectively to produce high quality programming


H&N staff are managed ethically according to WVI standards

10% Learning and Evidence Base Development, Dissemination and Knowledge Management
  • Identify and implement opportunities for research to enhance learning and build the evidence base/generate evidence, ideally with academic partners.
  • Spearhead research, documentation and reflection exercises for learning in collaboration with other sector specialists.
  • Collect, document and disseminate field best practices, case studies and success stories
  • Develop conference abstracts and/or publications based on learnings and best practice
Learning from WVT H&N programs is maximised, synthesized and disseminated to relevant internal and external audiences


Results of WVT programming can stand up to external scrutiny and make a meaningful contribution to enhancing our reputation with donors and supporters and attracting additional resources

15% External Representation



  • Incorporate local-to-national H&N advocacy and campaigning in H&N Technical Approach and programming, with assistance of advocacy team
  • Accompany advocacy and SLT members to meetings with health departments
  • Provide technical input into policy briefings/ensure quality of advocacy product content
  • Understand and include advocacy staff in health TAs and TP
  • Obtain evidence from health programs and data from CVA to inform policy at sub-national and national level and to be used in government relations


Networking and Partnership

  • Represent WVT at external workshops, technical forums, etc, engaging with MoH and other relevant ministries, donors and other health partners.
  • Ensure WVT is recognized as a prominent actor at all levels;
  • Networking with MoH, contribute to Tanzania government strategy or national plans and strategies
  • Develop strategic partnerships with private sector with more intentional engagements with private sector/corporates
  • Compile updated fact sheets on health programming to support the partnering and external engagement teams.


WVT influence on the health agenda to external partners, donors, academia and civil society organizations, is strengthened in the Tanzania


WVT has a recognized and increasing profile with donors, Government and other partners

Core Values and Stewardship
  • Provide spiritual support to staff of the Division and reinforce the core values to enable understanding of the WV operations and culture.
  • Manage the WVT material and financial resources to ensure Stewardship and accountability in Program Quality and Strategy Division.


Required Professional Experience The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training:


Minimum Qualification required:

  • A deep knowledge of the health and nutrition issues that affect the country, with significant H&N experience
  • Knowledge and skills in health data management/monitoring & evaluation
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, time management, demonstrated leadership and good management ability
Required Education,

training, license,

registration, and


  • Master Degree in Public Health, Nutrition or related field, with at least 5 years practical experience in Public health programming with a reputable organization
Preferred Knowledge

and Qualifications

  • 5+ years experience in public health programs
  • Proven experience in managing community health and nutrition projects
  • Experience leading and managing a professional technical team
Travel and/or

Work Environment








English and Swahili


Contact (within WV or outside WV) Reason for contact Frequency of contact
RM&PQ Director Direct Supervision Daily
GAM Team, including GAM Manager and Compliance and Partnerships manager New Business Development and Resource Mobilization Daily
Grants Management Team including Grants Operations Senior manager and Grant Mangers Ongoing technical support to existing grants Weekly
Cluster H&N Teams including cluster managers and H&N staff Ongoing management and support to H&N TP Weekly
H&N Technical team staff Technical supervision and line management Daily
GoT staff from MoH and TAMISEMI Integration of WVT work into GoT programs Weekly
NGO Partners Collaboration on joint projects and program development As required
Donors and Supporters Resource Mobilization As required
The H&N Technical Team Leader makes decisions on all technical issues related to the sector.

The H&N Techniacl Team Leader makes decisions in consultation with direct supervisor, GAM team and H&N technical staff


CORE COMPETENCIES – For all positions, select the top 3 prioritized competencies from below. Click here for a quick overview of our Core Competencies.
☐ Be Safe and Resilient

☒ Deliver Results

☒ Build Relationships

☐ Be Accountable

☐ Learn and Develop

☒ Improve and Innovate

☐ Partner and Collaborate

☐ Embrace Change

For Management positions only, select the top 2 prioritized competencies from below.
☐ Model Self-Management ☒ Engage, Influence, Lead

and Grow Others

☐ Run an Effective

and Agile Organisation



I'm the Author of this blog and I'm Swahili - English - Chinese Languages Freelance Interpreter by profession. I welcome everyone to this blog special for Jobs and Scholarships advertisements as well as Education issues

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