Chinese Language

Salary Range for Translator/Interpreter of chinese language in Tanzania per month

Want to know salary range for a translator or Interpreter in Tanzania ?


HOW TO BECOME A Chinese Interpreter
The complete career guide to be a Chinese Interpreter: salary, job growth, employers, best schools, and education you may need to get started.

Chinese interpreters are responsible for listening to , understanding and translating spoken or written statements in the Mandarin Chinese language.  They convert this information from one language (Chinese) to another language.


Who Is A Chinese Interpreter?

The following responsibilities are common for Chinese Interpreters:

  • Compiles terminology and information used for translations, including technical terms, especially legal and medical terms
  • Discusses translation requirements with clients, like fees charged and services expected along with contract agreements
  • Read, proofread, edit and revise as needed any written materials such as, legal documents, medical records, news reports or scientific journals, and rewrite the material into the specified language
  • Adapt translations to students if required and collaborate with other educators if necessary for your occupation
  • Listen to the speakers statements and translate them accordingly, using electronic systems when necessary

A Day In The Life

Chinese interpreters assist in communication by converting messages, speech and text from Mandarin Chinese into a different language or visa versa.  Although, most people do both, interpreters and translators are two different occupations.  Translators work with the written language while interpreters work with spoken language.

Therefore, Chinese interpreters convert the Mandarin Chinese language into another. The goal of the interpreter is to have other people hear the interpretation as if it were the original.  These individuals must be fluent in Mandarin Chinese and the other language of interpretation to be able to flawlessly communicate between both parties that do not share a common language.

There are three common types of interpreting: simultaneous, consecutive, and whispered.  Simultaneous do not begin to interpret until the general meaning of the sentence is completely understood.  This style requires that an interpreter to listen and speak at the same time.  Basically, anticipating what the clients next word is going to be.  The consecutive style of interpreting begins only after the speaker has said a group of words or a complete sentence.  They will take notes during this style of interpreting.  It is a large part of how this style of interpretation works.  And in the whispered style if interpreting, they sit very close to the client and provides a simultaneous interpretation in a hushed or quiet voice.

Typical Work Schedule

When interpreters are busy with jobs, it will be a full-time employment.  Unfortunately, this position may have extended periods of limited work and may require irregular hours as well.

Projected Job Growth

Due to the strengthened ties between the United Republic of Tanzania and China, the career field of Chinese translation is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years.

Typical Employers

A Chinese Interpreter would typically be self-employed or work in schools, hospitals, courtrooms or conference centers and mostly in Industrial sector.  While other can work for government agencies like in Embassy or citizenship and Immigration agencies.


How To Become A Chinese Interpreter

Education requirements for interpreters can vary greatly.  But it is essential as a Chinese interpreter that a student is both fluent in Mandarin Chinese and the English language.  A bachelor’s degree is recommended to become an Chinese interpreter.  Coursework such as languages, Chinese cultures and customs, sociology, and spending time abroad in the Chinese culture would also be beneficial for students pursuing this career path.  Many degree programs will offer a student the opportunity to study abroad in order to fully immerse themselves in the cultures and language.  This helps the student refine their reading, writing and communication skills.

Students can also get involved with community programs and language organizations.  These programs often offer events where students can network with other potential interpreters and refine their language skills in conversation and in a social setting.  Employers also prefer individuals with training and experience,  The best places to gain this experience would be through volunteer programs through the Red Cross, hospitals and during mentorships.  It would be also very beneficial for the student to keep a portfolio of all the programs they have experience using their Chinese interpreter skills to show potential employers the extent of their experience.

Interpreters generally need specialized training to do there work.  Most individuals will complete job-specific training programs.  Currently there is no universal certification to become a Chinese interpreter in the United Republic of Tanzania.  Although job specific testing is likely to be required depending on where the individual is employed.


Chinese Interpreter Salary Data

We’ve provided you the following to learn more about this career. The salary and growth data on this page comes from recently published by Tachisa Statistics data while the recommendations and editorial content are based on our research.


TACHISA Month Salary

Low Range

Tsh 1,200,000


Tsh 1,920,000

High Range

Tsh 3,840,000


TACHISA Hourly Wage

Low Range

Tsh 5,000/Hr


Tsh 8,000/Hr

High Range

Tsh 16,000/Hr

How do Chinese Interpreter salaries stack up to other jobs across the country? Based on the latest jobs data from Tanzania Chinese Language Interpreters and Students Association (TACHISA), Chinese Interpreter’s can make an average monthly salary of Tsh 1,920,000, or Tsh 8,000 per hour. This makes it an Above Average Salary. On the lower end, they can make Tsh 1,200,000 or Tsh 5,000 per hour, perhaps when just starting out or based on the Region you live in.



I'm the Author of this blog and I'm Swahili - English - Chinese Languages Freelance Interpreter by profession. I welcome everyone to this blog special for Jobs and Scholarships advertisements as well as Education issues

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