Ajira Mpya Serikalini

Tender at Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

Provision of Consultancy ESIA for the Proposed Extension of Ministry of Education and Vocational Training tender job at Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

Provision of Consultancy ESIA for the Proposed Extension of Ministry of Education and Vocational Training tender job at Ministry of Education and Vocational Training


Request for Expression of Interest (Consultancy Service – Firm Selection)


Project Name: Zanzibar Improving Quality of Basic Education Project (ZIQUE).

Country: United republic of Tanzania

TITLE: Provision of Consultancy ESIA for the Proposed Extension of Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

Head: Office Building and Renovation of the Teachers Training Colleges in Unguja and Pemba.

CREDIT No: IDA-72580

Reference No: TZ-MOEVT-364353-CS-CQS

Date issued: 19 September 2023

Project Background Bottom of Form

The Government of United Republic of Tanzania represented by Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar under Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of Zanzibar Improving Quality of Basic Education Project (P178157), and intends to apply part of the credit proceeds for payment under the contract for consul- tancy services for undertaking environmental and social impact assessments for the sites of proposed extension of ministry of education and vocational training building and renovation of the teacher training Colleges in Unguja and Pemba.


Ministry of Education and Vocational Training jobs in Tanzania

To sustain the long list of benefits of the project and aligning with the Environmental and Social Management Framework of the project as per the Word Bank safeguards policies, the project involving huge civil works acquires Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA). Similar is required by the Zanzibar Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA). The assignment will identify environmental and social impacts to manage the risks and impacts of a project, and improve their environmental and social performance, through a risk and outcomes-based approach.



The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training seeks to engage a qualified firm (hereafter referred to as consultant) to carry out the environmental and social studies on three (3) sites, for Mazizini Unguja and Kiuyu Pemba. The sites in particulars are:


1. Mazizini Unguja for proposed extension of ministry of education and vocational training building

2. Mazizini Unguja for proposed Renovation of the teacher training College.

3. Kiuyu Pemba for proposed Renovation of the teacher training College.


The Consultant will be tasked to Prepare the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)for the respective constructions which include extension and rehabilitation, and the associated Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). The Consultant may be required to prepare Resettlement Action Plan the social assessment as a part of this assignment will reveal such needs.


Firm Experience

The consulting firm minimum requirements for this assignment are as follows:

1. The Consulting firm should be registered with ZEMA as Environmental expert

2. The firm should have at least 3 years’ experience in conducting EIA/EA/ESIA studies.

3. The firm must have undertaken at least three (3) ESIA assignments in the last five (5) years in design and environmental systems construction and installation. The firm is required to submit supporting documents of at least three (3) projects of similar nature executed by the firm within five (5) years.


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.14 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations Nov. 2020 (Fourth Edition), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.


A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification Selection Method set out in the Procurement Regulations.


The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website: https://moez.go.tz/


Request for Clarification:

Interested consultancy firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 0800hrs to 1530hrs working days only.

How to Apply:

Interested Consultant may apply and deliver its expressions of interest in a written form to the address below in person (hard copy along with an USB drive), or e-mail on or before 20th October 2023 at 1400 hours, EAT.

Secretary of the Tender Board,

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,

P. O. Box 394, Mazizini, Zanzibar,

E-mail: pmu@moez.go.tz 


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